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Servo TowerPro MG996R 360deg
24,40 €
Continuous Rotation Servo – MG996R, 360 deg.
The MG996R 360° has the ability to rotate continuously though 360° in both directions. This makes this servo perfect for robotics or even the rotation of camera sliders!
Weight: 55g
Dimension: 40.7×19.7×42.9mm
Stall torque: 9.4kg/cm (4.8v); 11kg/cm (6.0v)
Operating speed: 0.19sec/60degree (4.8v); 0.15sec/60degree (6.0v)
Operating voltage: 4.8~ 6.6v
Gear Type: Metal gear
Temperature range: 0- 55℃
Plug: JR (Fits JR and Futaba)
Dead band width: 1us
Wire length: 32cm
Arms & screws included and fit with Futaba arm
It has universal “S” type connector that fits most receivers, including Futaba, JR, Hitec ,GWS, Cirrus, Blue Bird, Blue Arrow, Corona, Berg, Spektrum.
- Pöördenurk
- 360 deg
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